What's your favortie
Beverage (non-alc) ? Milkshakes, Aquarius, and some strange asia beverages
Color ? Black, White, Blue and bloody red, violet
Food ? well well well candies, ice creams, asian food, italian too, tooooooooo much things.........^^'
Item of clothing ? Pants??
Meal of the day ? Dessert
Feature on yourself ? My eyes or hair
Quality in a guy/girl ? Their personallity.
Phrase ? Better to be pissed off than pissed on
Song ? Sleepless Beauty!!
Musical Artist/Band ? Nirvana! {Today}
Sport ? skating / kendo
Movie ? Nyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu??
TV Show ? I don't watch tv^^'
Radio Station ? Japan-A-Radio and Dominican and Thai stations, even BBC
Type of Chocolate ? black or Kaori by Galler
Eye Color ? Cat's eyes
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Yep 3
Have any piercings ? No {Only earings....I don't consider this as a piercing}
Have any tatoos ? Noppers.
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend? Maybe once
Gone skinny dipping ? Heehee, maybe.
Been to
Been to an island ? Yep
Had stitches ? Nope.
Broken any bones ? ... Laaaaaaaa Liiiiiiiii Ooooooooh?
Been stabbed/shot ? shooooooooot?? no
Slept until after 12:00 ? Yes (^^)
Stayed up all night ? Of course!!
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? depends
Turned down a dare ? Heh, yes! (^^')
Which person ...
Do you look up to the most ? nobody
Do you tell everything to ? Nephy?
Has the best clothes ? good question
Has the best house ? Meeeeeee?
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? It sounds a little gross...
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Heeheee, yeah!! (^.^)
Cheat on someone you love ? yep
Run away from home ? Maybe.
Lie to your parents ? Yes.
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? yes
Lie to your best friend ? is there one??
Give a homeless person money ? Yes!
Run from the police ? Yes, but I would probably give up after awhile.
Bungee jump ? yeaah!!.
Sky dive ? Perhaps, souds funny though!
Cross dress ? I have. (^^)'
Be an exotic dancer ? Maybe for fun
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? yep
Scuba dive ? It's done
Go rock climbing ? Nah.
Go spulunking (caving) ? Maybe.
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? The singer
Hott ? mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Real world ? too bad (><)
Jack ? The Enentror?!!
Cucumber ? miam.
Hip-Hop ? Scaryyyyyyyyy!! (^o^)
Uniform ? The Worth thing ever
UniCORN ! ? Sparkling!!
Rainbow ? Colors of the world!
Clown ? Buffoon
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